Monte da Eirinha

Terms of Use and Privacy.


1.1. Website designed to provide general information about the “Monte da Eirinha”.
1.2. All intellectual property rights relating to the content and information made available (texts, images, video, forms, owner's brands and owner's logos) belong exclusively to Tesouros & Pretextos, Unipessoal Lda. Copying, reproduction, modification or dissemination is expressly prohibited , total or partial, of the content of this Website without prior written authorization.
1.3. “Monte da Eirinha” is a property Tesouros & Pretextos, Unipessoal Lda.


2.1. “Monte da Eirinha” is not responsible or gives any guarantees regarding the information provided by the Website. You may find access links to other websites, and “Monte da Eirinha” is not responsible for their contents and functionalities.
2.2. “Monte da Eirinha” does not assume responsibility for any interruptions and/or changes in the presentation of the Website.
2.3. “Monte da Eirinha” reserves the right to change these Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. We will publish the date of the last update at the top of this page. “Monte da Eirinha” also reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue this Website or part of its contents without any prior notice.
2.4. Any connection between this Website and other websites without prior written authorization is strictly prohibited.
2.5. If you find that this Website contains content that may violate copyright, please contact us urgently via the following mobile number + 351 968 461 466 or email


3.1. “Monte da Eirinha” is committed to complying with applicable legislation regarding the protection and privacy of personal data. We respect your right to privacy on the Internet and preserve the security of any and all personal information you may provide to us. We will only collect personal data, such as your name and email address, when they are entered voluntarily through the forms on this Website.
3.2. If you wish to access, correct or delete the personal data you have made available on our website, you must do so in writing via email at
3.3. The person responsible for processing this data is the company Tesouros & Pretextos, Unipessoal Lda. The person responsible undertakes not to provide this data to third parties, with the exception of services strictly necessary for its operation, such as accounting, legal and subcontractors in the area of marketing and management.
3.4. The company Tesouros & Pretextos, Unipessoal Lda and subcontractors undertake to equip themselves with all the technical and organizational measures necessary to process and safeguard the personal data provided by the user in connection with the use of this website.
3.5. For the purposes described, the company Tesouros & Pretextos, Unipessoal Lda will keep this data for up to one year after collection. The data provided may be deleted, rectified and accessed at the request of its holders, and for this purpose a request may be sent to the email address
3.6. The collection and processing of personal data from minors under the age of 16 for the purposes described above is only lawful if consent is given by those holding the minor's parental responsibilities, unless another age is established in national legislation.
3.7. The data subject may be subject to an automated individual decision, including profiling, in accordance with the provisions of article 22, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
3.8. The holder of personal data may lodge any complaint related to the collection and processing of their data with the National Control Authority of their country, with the National Data Protection Commission being responsible in Portugal.


4.1. This Website was created and operates under the terms of Portuguese Law. Access to it is subject to acceptance of these conditions and any dispute relating to it will be regulated by current Portuguese legislation, with only the courts of the district of Beja having jurisdiction, with express waiver of any other. If any of the conditions are considered, by virtue of a court decision, null, illegal or inapplicable, this will not affect the remaining conditions, which will remain valid to the maximum extent legally permitted.